Somakon Verfahrenstechnik UG

About Us

About Us

Somakon Verfahrenstechnik has been focusing on the problems of mixing and granulating on a laboratory scale for 20 years. Our laboratory mixers are highly appreciated in research and development departments of well-known industrial users. Thanks to their modular design, they can be individually adapted to a wide variety of tasks in everyday development work. By changing the tools and varying the parameters such as speed and time, users can simulate various production mixers.

Somakon mixers are therefore highly valued laboratory equipment in the chemical industry and by producers of aromas, pharmaceuticals and pesticides. In various expansion stages, up to pilot plant level, they are used for the production of samples, products and standards under the aspect of production-related manufacturing.

They support application technology and research in solving many process questions and are used in quality control, for example for raw materials in incoming goods.

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